hallo gemeinde
ich habe eine featureclass und eine tabelle in meiner mxd
jetz möchte ich über ein textfeld joinen und obwohl in der featureclass und in der tabelle das gleiche attribut vorkommt bekomme ich immer null datensätze. ?????
habe dann versucht die tabelle im access zu joinen und da funktionierts!!!
bin relativ ratlos - hätte wer einen tipp für mich???
ich habe eine featureclass und eine tabelle in meiner mxd
jetz möchte ich über ein textfeld joinen und obwohl in der featureclass und in der tabelle das gleiche attribut vorkommt bekomme ich immer null datensätze. ?????
habe dann versucht die tabelle im access zu joinen und da funktionierts!!!
bin relativ ratlos - hätte wer einen tipp für mich???
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Gespeichert von JensM am Mi., 06.02.2008 - 16:05
Gespeichert von gerhardH am Do., 07.02.2008 - 11:01
Permalinkdanke es waren die Leerzeichen in den Spaltenüberschriften.
ist aber nirgenst dokumentiert meins wissens
Gespeichert von Maxilla am Do., 07.02.2008 - 11:18
PermalinkField naming guidelines
Field names need to adhere to certain conventions for them to be valid. Keep the following guidelines in mind when you name a field:
Spaces and certain characters are not supported in field names. Special characters include hyphens such as in x-coord and y-coord, parentheses, brackets, symbols such as $, %, and #, and so on. Essentially, eliminate anything that is not alphanumeric or an underscore.
Be sure to edit the field names in delimited text files or other tables to remove unsupported characters before trying to use the files in ArcGIS.
Avoid starting field names with a number or an underscore.
Avoid using field names that contain words that are considered reserved keywords, such as date, day, month, table, text, user, when, where, year, and zone. Each underlying DBMS can have its own set of reserved keywords, but see the following Microsoft support article for a list.
Geodatabase feature class, table, and field names can be up to 64 characters. (More specifically, you can only enter up to 52 characters for a personal geodatabase feature class name because the system appends characters to total 64.) Shapefiles and .dbf field names can be up to 10 characters long. For INFO tables, use up to 16 letters or numbers. In addition, the underlying DBMS may impose other restrictions on field names.
Remember that you can set a field alias if you need special characters, spaces, additional length, and so on. Aliases do not have to adhere to the limitations of the database, so you can give names to fields that are more descriptive than their actual field name. For example, you might specify an alias of "Date of deed" for a field stored in the geodatabase as "DEED_DATE".