Tiff Schwarz nach Datenexport nach Georeferenzierung

Seit ArcGis 9.2 werden die selbst georeferenzierten Tiffs (setzen von 4 Koordinatenpunkten) immer komplett schwarz, nachdem man die Daten exportiert, um sie auch in anderen Programmen als geoTiff zu nutzen. In ArcGis 9.1 ging es ohne Probleme.

Wisst ihr woran das liegt?
Woran es liegt, weiß ich nicht. Irgendwas mit der LZW-Kompression. Geholfen hat bei mir zumindest, in der Datei tiff.pdf (zu finden unter \\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\ESRI\Raster\defaults) alle Kompressionen auf 'None' sowie "tiled image" auf 'false' zu setzen.

Die tiff.pdf ist keine Adobe-Datei (Portable Document Format) sondern eine Textdatei und mit jedem Texteditor zu öffnen. Die Endung bedeutet "Preference Definition File". Bitte vor Bearbeitung eine Sicherungskopie machen.
Danke für den Tipp. Leider bekomm ich beim Export immer noch die schwarze Fläche. Muss ich alle Dateien in dem Ordner bearbeiten oder hab ich etwas übersehen? Die Datei sieht jetzt wie folgt aus:

************************************************** *****************************
** PDF File -- Preference Definition File for TIFF files.
************************************************** *****************************

title "TIFF Image Files" ;

compression_1bit( "1-bit Image Compression" ): "None"
"Compression type to use for newly created 1-bit images"
"None" "None"
"CCITT (1D)" "CCITT (1D)"
"CCITT Group 3" "CCITT Group 3"
"CCITT Group 4" "CCITT Group 4"
"PackBits" "PackBits"

compression( "8-bit Image Compression" ): "None"
"Compression used for newly created images > 1-bit and <= 8-bit"
"None" "None"
"PackBits" "PackBits"

compression_other( "Other Image Compression" ): "None"
"Compression used for newly created images > 8-bit"
"None" "None"
"PackBits" "PackBits"

compression_jpeg( "Use JPEG Compression When Possible" ): "None"
"Compression used for 1 or 3 band 8-bit images"
boolean "true" "false";

compression_ycc_jpeg( "Use YCbCr JPEG Compression When Possible" ): "None"
"Convert RGB source data to YCbCr before JPEG compression"
boolean "true" "false";

compression_quality_jpeg("JPEG Compression Quality"): 75.0
"1 - Lowest compression, best quality, 100 - Highest compression, lowest quality (short number)"
min 1.0
max 100.0;

editable( "Edits Allowed " ): "true"
"Allow editting of existing TIFF files"
boolean "true" "false";

/*drop_unknown_tags( "Drop Unrecognized Tags during Edit" ): "false"
"Drop Unrecognized Tags during edit"
boolean "true" "false";

x_resolution("X Resolution"): 1.0
"x resolution (rational number)"
min 1.0;

y_resolution("Y Resolution"): 1.0
"y resolution (rational number)"
min 1.0;

resolution_unit("Resolution Unit"): "Inch"
"resolution unit"
enums {
"other" "other choices"
"Inch" "inch"
"Centimeter" "cm"
create_tiled_images("Create Tiled Images"): "false"
"Make newly-created TIFF images tiled instead of stripped"
boolean "true" "false";

tile_width("Tile width"): 64
"Tile width should be a integer which can be divided by 16."
min 16;

tile_height("Tile height"): 64
"Tile height should be a integer which can be divided by 16."
min 16;

rows_strip("Rows per strip"): 8
"Rows per strip. The recommend strip size is about 8k."
min 1;
copy_unknown_tags( "Unknown Tags" ): "false"
"Copy unknown tags on creation or edit"
boolean "true" "false";

tfw_access( "World File Access" ): "Read"
"How will TIFF World files be observed?"
"World files ignored"
"World file used as fallback in absence of GeoTIFF"
"World file read as fallback on input and written on creation/modification"

export_band_selection( "Export band selection"): "Multispectral"
"Export band selection if possible"
"Grayscale" "Grayscale always, export one band only!"
"RGB" "RGB if possible, export three bands only"
"Multispectral" "Grayscale +extra examples"

fallback2( "Georeferencing fallbacks" ): "true"
"Use Resolution, Resolution Units and Orientation as georeferencing fallback"
boolean "true" "false";

standard_projections( "Preserve Standard Projections" ): "true"
"Preserve standard projections in GeoTIFF output"
boolean "true" "false";

unit_overrides( "Allow Unit Overrides" ): "Read/Write"
"How should GeoKeys for Units be observed for non-UserDefined projections"
"Units overrides will be observed on input"
"Units overrides will be observed on input and written to output"
"Units overrides will not be observed"

** Turning write citation off will only turn off the writing of the
** GTCitation when it is not required
write_citation( "Write Citation" ): "true"
"Write complete GeoTIFF citations"
boolean "true" "false";

max_uncompressed_blk_size( "Maximum uncompressed block size" ): 0
"TIFF files containing blocks/strips greater than max will be reblocked"
min 0

rb_block_width( "Block width for wide striped TIFF" ): 1280
"Reblock width for reading wide striped images"
min 0

rb_block_height( "Block height for wide striped TIFF" ): 256
"Reblock height for reading wide striped images"
min 0

** Use embedded GCPs to override map information?
use_gcps( "Use embedded GCPs to synthesize map information?" ): "Yes"
"Use embedded GCPs to synthesize map information?"
"Use GCPs that have been embedded in TIFF file to synthesize map information"
"No map information will be available"

** Supply the model of approximation that we are going to use
geo_model( "Geometric model" ): "Polynomial"
"What geometric model TIFF GCPs will be used with?"
"Polynomial geometric model approximation"
"Low Order Rubber Sheeting"
"Rubber Sheeting linear geometric model approximation"
"High Order Rubber Sheeting"
"Rubber Sheeting non-linear geometric model approximation"

** Supply order of the model of
** approximation that we are going to use
geo_order("Geometric Model Order of Approximation"): 1
"Geometric Model Maximum Order of Approximation"
min 1
max 5;
Jo, so sieht das bei mir auch aus. Hm... Welchen Service-Pack hast du denn installiert?
In der Systemsteuerung steht Service Pack 2. Wobei da auch steht, dass dieses Update entfernt wurde. Kann ja eigentlich nicht sein, sonst wär es ja nicht mehr in der Liste.

Hätte ich einen Neustart machen müssen?
Vielleicht versuchst du dann doch erst mal Service Pack 6
Danken für den Link. Da sind dann auch alle ServicePacks davor mit drin oder muss ich SP 3-5 auch installieren?
Nee, alles inklusive.
Vielen Dank für die Hilfe. Seit Service Pack 6 funktioniert es.
Dann sorry für die Fehlleitung über den Holzweg (Preference Definition File)...

Hey hi, The issue might be with export settings in ArcGIS 9.2 causing self-referenced Tiff to turn black in other programs. Try checking and adjusting the export settings for compatibility and for compression you can use https://jpegcompressor.com/ .